Training Evolution Blog

Just Zooming Along

Looks like everyone has stolen my thunder and now works from home. My secret is out and we can all make working from home the flexible, non-conforming alternative to ‘business as usual’ at the office. Adding the Zoom platform is what I have found exceptional in the new reality. […]

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What 18 Years of 'Working from Home' Has Taught Me


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The World as We Know It

  What a world we are living in. As I talk to my smart 18 year old about thrilling college choices (with the ridiculous money conversations attached), and at the same time try to share integral information about the Coronavirus, my world has truly turned upside-down. Focus and […]

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Connecting from Ears to Fingers by David Alery


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Reluctant About Goal Setting? Start With the Obstacles! by Mark Modesti


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Transitions, oh Transitions, by Jillian McLaughlin

  Using the Skills of Emotional Intelligence: Bringing Your Best Self to All You Do This summer after living and working in Kansas City (the city of BBQ, beer and Baseball as my husband likes to say), my family returned to our original home in Toronto. We left the States all the […]

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Let's Get Talking (and learn about each other on a different level)

  Sometimes it's just a simple, additional question that can take a conversation from basic to exceptional. When talking to a co-worker or friend, (especially at this is the time of year) take a moment and 'take their pulse'. Learn from them and engage more fully. It seems […]

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Prickly Change

  Change can be gnarly and it can put stress on very familiar relationships. I am happy at this time of year to reflect and determine how I want to be, live, thrive and assist. I am ready for some big personal changes and I can feel my discussions with clients and friends […]

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To Affinity Groups and Beyond, by Sunny Nastase

Recently, I was sitting down with an executive at the US HQ of large and growing company, discussing Diversity and Inclusion, Implicit Bias, Mentoring (yes, always Mentoring) and the work we’ve done – and have yet to do – on full workplace equality. She reminded me of a […]

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The Only Constant is Change


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  2. Judi Bola